RastertoVector.biz is a leader in PDF to MCD conversion. We are experts in converting PDF files to MicroStation’s (MCD) format. Our manual MCD conversions are fully editable, multi-layered and are 100% dimensionally accurate. We follow AIA layering standards and can also accommodate your layering standards. The final output is editable and will be in MCD format because we create the drawing as a new file. We can create as many layers as you require. We generate separate layers for dimensions, text, body, hidden lines, and centerlines, etc. Text is separated and has its own layer and is recognizable as text. Dimensions are intact and are shown by a separate layer.
The PDF files are not easily editable especially if you want to edit them layer by layer. Solution: We can turn the PDF files to MCD Conversion as per your needs thanks to our experienced expertise. This helps you to edit, modify, or renew the editable and 100% dimensionally accurate MCD files. Our designers extensively use blocks and attributes during the manual conversion process. You can fax, e-mail, or send in your documents through discs and we can convert your PDF files to MCD documents, without hampering your data.
MCD conversions are vectorized drawings that are scalable and do not get pixilated when expanded. These MCD files can be used in any size and for many purposes. They can be used for websites, brochures, catalogues, etc. As they are high in resolution, enlargement does not affect the quality or clarity of work.
Thousands of clients have benefited from our high-quality, error-free MCD conversion services and increased productivity, improved client relations, and seen an improvement in their overall business. We can deliver your converted files fast, even overnight if required.